"The Only Way to Finally Lose Weight & Get Well Is By Removing the Underlying Root Cause Holding You Back..."
"The Only Way to Finally Lose Weight & Get Well Is By Removing the Underlying Root Cause Holding You Back..."

"The Only Way to Finally Lose Weight & Get Well Is By Removing the Underlying Root Cause Holding You Back..."

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Why You Don’t Look & Feel Your Best

The problem with diets, juice cleanses, and strict fasts is that they never address the underlying cause of why you can’t lose weight, keep it off, and take back your health & vitality. They’re simply missing the key factors that allow you to effortlessly lose weight and reclaim the body you always wanted.

Think about this – if you have to force the weight off through hours of cardio and dieting, how do you plan to ever keep if off for good? You can’t and you won’t. The thing that’s been missing is that to enjoy the total package of health, energy, vitality, and your ideal body, you must rebalance the underlying root causes keeping you stuck where you are right now…

One Dimensional Diets Don't Work

Not only were fad diets and weight loss supplements not intended to help you keep the weight off, but they’ve set you up to fail thinking that it’s your fault you didn’t follow the plan correctly. Eventually they’ll lead you to believe that “nothing works for me.”

I’ve heard that thousands of times in my practice and I understand where you’re coming from. And I agree… Diets (even whole food ones) do not hold the secret to why you don’t see the reflection you’d like to when you look in the mirror. They’re missing something, and it’s something that no one seems to be looking at.


For over 10 years now my wellness & weight loss virtual practice has  completed over 250,000 client sessions – making our research data one of the largest weight loss & wellness resources in the world. And 5 years ago, we took our revolutionary body transformation program to a whole new level.

After studying for years overseas in India, Sri Lanka, China, and the Netherlands I discovered how to combine state-of-the-art Functional Medicine with long-forgotten ancient healing traditions. The result was the most powerful, scientifically researched, full-body detoxification weight loss system ever created.

It finally addressed the underlying root causes keeping you from enjoying the life you always wanted at the weight you always dreamed of…



Body Transformation Was Incredible!

“I really wanted to lose weight from my trouble areas that no matter how much I work out or try to eat healthy I never seem to be able to. I also like the concept of an overall healthy detox… By the end I loved how I felt. I had more energy and I LOVED how my body transformed during the detox.

I now have a thigh gap which seems like a silly thing to say, but I haven’t had one in a few years and I could actually feel how my thighs had gotten smaller when I walked.

I also really love that my stomach and midsection have gotten considerably thinner. What was great about this whole process was that it was really a short commitment – 7 days – but the results (7 lb weight loss) were there and it was all accomplished in a healthy way”
– Alyssa B.

Why It Works

At first I thought the initial client results were a fluke, but then the success stories kept coming. I knew it was formulated to work, but I honestly originally intended it for my private wellness clients that were suffering from immune imbalances and other debilitating health issues. The fringe benefit that came along with these clients getting well again, was always substantial weight loss.

So, I kept digging deeper into why this formula was working so well to help clients lose weight and keep it off (besides the fact that they all reported elevated mood, clearer thinking, better skin, abundant energy, and improved digestion). It turned out that these 3 products combined held the key to rebalancing the systems of the body that control inflammation, water retention, bloating, fat burning, and metabolism. This is ultimately the key to addressing the underlying causes of why you look bloated and swollen and feel like “blah.”


how It Works


Targeted Weight Loss

Any fad diet can help you lose weight for a short period of time, but only a true wellness system can help you keep it off for good. The reason is that your body naturally sheds the weight as it returns to health and the Dr. Cabral Detox is intended to allow you to do that in the simplest and easiest way possible through a strategic plan to address all your problem areas.

As I said before, weight gain is the symptom – not the cause. The cause of your weight issues may be hormonal, metabolic, adrenal, thyroid, immune, digestive, nutrient deficiencies, or toxicity. Hidden toxicities is the #1 reason I see for people struggling to regain their health & ideal body and that’s why the Dr. Cabral Detox works so quickly and effectively – it gets to the root cause of the problem by addressing the underlying issues!

Doctor of naturopathy Designed

I’m Stephen Cabral, ND, Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy. After suffering from a debilitating sickness when I was 17 years old, and being given no hope for recovery, I set about to find the answers on my own. It took me years to get well and it shouldn’t have… now I’ve made it my mission to ensure that you don’t have to suffer the same way I did.

I spent years studying Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, and many other practices all over the world. My goal was to not force anyone I care for to fit into one medical model, but rather choose the method that would best serve them.

This philosophy led me to design what I’ve seen in my own practice to be the very best way to begin the healing process and shed needless bloating, water retention, and the weight that is keeping you from loving the way you look and feel.


What's In It?

Scientifically Researched Ingredients

Over the past 20 years I’ve read tens of thousands of pages of research and tested over 1,000 nutritional supplements in the real world. I’ve had the privilege to see what works and what doesn’t…

This is what allowed me to formulate the cleanest and most powerful detoxification cleanse ever made. It is the answer to what I was searching for when it came to giving my wellness and weight loss clients the best results in the fastest way possible.


I never knew this until I began working with the top nutrition manufacturer in the US, but unless a nutritional supplement states it is non-GMO, then it most likely contains GMO ingredients. This is why it’s imperative to look for the non-GMO seal and make sure any supplement you choose has done 3rd-party testing.

For everyone’s peace of mind, I needed to make sure anything I recommend to my friends, family, and clients is something I truly believe will better their life. And, I honestly believe the Dr. Cabral Detox is the best thing you can do for your mind and body.

7-Day Success Plan


I Felt Amazing!!

“I could not say better things about this detox. After I powered through those two days, I felt AMAZING. I woke up everyday feeling energized and ready to go. I was alert and feeling great. I also couldn’t believe that I successfully made it through the 7 days without feeling famished, hungry or groggy. My favorite part was the simplicity of following the detox…

After the 7 days, I lost 4 inches around my waist, 10 pounds overall and my body fat % went down 5%, I also felt more energized, I slept better and I had a much clearer mind of eating better for the future.”
– Shaylan B

6 Reason's You'll Love the Dr.Cabral Detox

7-Day Success Stories

My team and I have completed over 250,000 client appointments and have seen the power of the Dr. Cabral Detox. We love celebrating with our clients and customer community every time they send in their success story and we look forward to seeing yours soon!

Best Product. Best Price.

The Dr. Cabral Detox is more then 12 different nutritional supplements in one at a fraction of the price! It is literally the best product available at the best price. Compare below for yourself and see how you could be saving at the same time.

Net Cost is Zero

For the same cost as a week’s worth of food anyway, you could be losing weight and feeling great! With 2 days worth of liquid detox meals included, 7 breakfast shakes, and 7 afternoon metabolic energizing shakes, you really aren’t spending any more money than you would during a typical week’s shopping.

For just $14.14 a day you can experience the Dr. Cabral Detox for yourself and create your own Cabral Community success story!


60-Day Life Changing Guarantee

Our guarantee is simple. If my Dr. Cabral Detox doesn’t change your life and help you to look and feel amazing, simply return it.

I want you to absolutely love the transformation you just went through and I want you to experience it with zero risk. You have 60 days to try it out, but I’d recommend beginning right away to begin seeing and feeling the results you want!

The Best Detox!

“It was Amazing! After the 7-Day Cabral Detox I have a clearer brain, lost 10lbs, lost 2 1/4 inches off my waist, and have more energy!!”
– Mark A.


Limited Time Bonus

Every Dr. Cabral Detox comes with some special limited-time bonuses to help ensure your success. So not only will you get the revolutionary 21-day Dr. Cabral Detox, but if you get started today you’ll also receive a free EquiLife ProStak Shaker Bottle ($19.95 value)

We partnered with the one and only Blender Bottle to create our own all-in-one EquiLife Prostak Shakers. These are a must-have for anyone who is on-the-go and completing a Dr. Cabral Detox

Get a FREE ProStak Shaker Bottle today when you choose the 21-Day Detox


Choose Your Right Fit

The Dr. Cabral Detox has been proven to work incredibly well for both wellness & weight loss (being overweight is a symptom of a deeper imbalance). Depending on your current health or weight issue, please select the Dr. Cabral Detox below that is the best fit for you:

Dr. Cabral Detox Options

1. For a quick health reset or to lose 5-10 lbs, choose the 7-Day Detox.

2. For ongoing health issues, or to lose up to 15+ lbs, choose the 21-Day Detox.

2 Simple Ways to Start

7-Day Detox

For a quick health reset or to lose 5-10 lbs, choose the 7-Day Detox - This is the exact 7-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his private practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.
  • Lose 5 pounds in 7 days
  • ​Rebalance your hormones
  • ​Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • Strengthen digestion

21-Day Detox

+ Free ProStak Shaker Bottle
+ Free Shipping
$297.00 $269.00
For ongoing health issues, or to lose up to 15 lbs, choose the 21-Day Detox - This is the exact 21-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.
  • Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days
  • ​Rebalance your hormones
  • ​Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • ​Strengthen digestion

Great Experience!

“Stuck with program 100% for the whole 7 days. A little tough at first with sugar withdrawals (Headaches, low energy, etc). Once food was reintroduced, it got easier. MUCH more restful sleep started about day 3. By day 7, positive; clearer thinking was evident. Lost 11 lbs and 2.5” off waist. All around great experience!”
– Brian H.


Help When You Need It

We understand you’ll have questions, and when you do, we’ll be there ready to help!

Our goal is to help you finally reach your goals and achieve the health, body, and vitality you’ve been searching for.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing your success story soon!

Supplement Facts


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2 Simple Ways to Start

7-Day Detox

For a quick health reset or to lose 5-10 lbs, choose the 7-Day Detox - This is the exact 7-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his private practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.
  • Lose 5 pounds in 7 days
  • ​Rebalance your hormones
  • ​Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • Strengthen digestion

21-Day Detox

+ Free ProStak Shaker Bottle
+ Free Shipping
$297.00 $269.00
For ongoing health issues, or to lose up to 15 lbs, choose the 21-Day Detox - This is the exact 21-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.
  • Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days
  • ​Rebalance your hormones
  • ​Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • ​Strengthen digestion



Stephen Cabral

Copyright © 2021 Copyright Cabral Research, LLC

By accessing or using any page on, you have agreed that you have read, understood, and will abide by the Terms of Use,  Full Disclaimer Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosure.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Equilibrium Nutrition and the products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

Cabral Research, LLC
540 Tremont St, 
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.